Trends in Supply Chain Sustainability
- July 2, 2021
- Posted by: workflick workflick
- Category: Uncategorized

Hopefully, businesses and retailers are being asked to take on more social responsibility and measuring ESG (environmental, social, and governance) as we hopefully get closer to a post-pandemic future. Committing to sustainability is critical — so important that taking three major steps early can give you a competitive edge. The supply chain is an important component of any sustainability strategy. The global supply chain has a substantial environmental effect and may offer new value with the appropriate measures. To begin, we’ve compiled a list of the top three supply chain sustainability trends.
A-The evolution of sustainable techniques is one of the most significant changes in the business. For example, retailers benefit from sustainably sourced or alternative materials, which fulfill consumer expectations.
B- Education is essential to all aspects of the supply chain regarding efforts involving recycled resources. Every garment is already labeled with the fabric composition. On the other hand, advertisers may use such labels to educate consumers, increasing exposure, customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, sales.
C-These products are also manufactured in smaller quantities due to the production and manufacturing difficulties of alternative materials. These then lend themselves to limited-edition, selected collections, which increase profits. As a result, it’s fair to conclude that sustainable sourcing in the supply chain has a bright future.
No More Packaging Waste
Have you ever opened an online order package and been surprised by how much plastic, Styrofoam, or corrugated was used to wrap just one item? Businesses have witnessed this, so many supply chain managers are implementing innovative packaging to reduce waste strategies.
Some businesses are using reusable shipping bags to cut down on packaging, fuel, and pollution. On the other hand, some are spending on reverse logistics solutions to reduce unnecessary packaging and carbon pollution.
For example, Staples Shops’ Express Returns program provides contactless, label-less, and package-less returns drop-offs at over 1,000 locations nationally. This assists businesses, and shipping companies streamline returns procedures, allowing customers to avoid the inconvenience of looking for a printer and a box. The entire process is a win-win situation. Contact Reverse Logistics Solutions for an opportunity to work with an expert to build a positive returns experience solution to see how this service will benefit your company.
Reroute to Reduce Carbon Emissions
As e-commerce grew in popularity in 2020, so did concerns about sustainability and retail’s poor environmental efficiency. The shipping of returns alone generated 16 million metric tons of CO2 in the previous year.
Businesses use AI-based and data-driven technologies to redirect goods to their next best quality to minimize transportation emissions. This innovation can also cancel orders before they are sent, reducing emissions, unnecessary picks at the warehouses and distribution centers, customer deliveries, andreturn expenses.
By minimizing transportation and improving performance in the reverse supply chain, Reverse Logistics Solutions’ returns partner management system helped save 4.68 million pounds of carbon emissions in 2020. To minimize their carbon impacts, retailers must integrate the appropriate returns technology into their systems.
These three supply chain sustainability developments are expected to last for a long time. As a result, businesses must collaborate with supply chain planning to enhance their technologies and address mitigating risk. This will also put in place the necessary eco-friendly measures to operate their company.
We’d be glad to discuss how reverse logistics technology can enhance the ecosystem and return on investment in real-time. All you have to do now is set up a meeting with Cliff Locks, and I will create a cost-effective and customized option for you.
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The solutions are specific to your team’s needs. They are based on the ‘golden nuggets’ within your data that many clients are collecting internally, through the eCommerce and retail partners, third party logistics (3PLs), repair centers and refurbish, and the secondary markets. The data never lies; you need the expertise to interpret the data to turn it into functional decision trees. Many times, clients are too close to the data to recognize the patterns. I live at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and Reverse Logistics. It’s magical, and it can save you millions of dollars in costs. Let’s work together.
I have worked with Cliff over the past 3 years on a wide array of projects and I have been impressed with each and every project he has worked on for me! His recommendations are insightful and actionable. He is a very reasonable person and considers constraints when giving business advice.

“You played a large part in helping us to achieve our goals. You were able to maintain some degree of order while allowing all the participants to contribute in a way in which they felt recognized and their input valued…. Your perseverance would not allow us to rest on our insights. We appreciate your gentle insistence on our devising a concrete plan of action.”

“Cliff really is insightful and a good mediator. He offers a really good forum for us to meet weekly to discuss short & long term goals. I find that I hear things from my associate that I didn’t know he was thinking. It’s an organized weekly phone call … geared toward corporate direction and individual leadership growth. Cliff … draws the answer and direction out of each client and helps them move themselves forward. The weekly consistency really drives the process forward effectively.”